Monday, March 30, 2009

Ladies' Brunch

For the third time, some of the ladies on the cooking message board got together for some food and fun. This time, we met at my house, and though we missed Jenn and Katie, we really had a blast.

(Out of the following pictures, only the one of the table, the French Toast, and the 4 of us are from me; the rest are courtesy of Colleen, who I hope doesn't mind that I pilfered her photos.)

Our spread:

Brooke made her delicious pasta salad:
Colleen brought some rolls and made a delicious chicken salad, which she brought in this beautiful bowl for ME! :)
Sarah made this awesome salad, and I can't even tell you what was in it - but it was GOOD:
And I made a stuffed French Toast:

Can't wait to do it again in May...!


  1. Yay! The French toast was DELICIOUS! And your pics are WAY better than mine - especially side by side here - I like how you have just the front in focus with the nice soft white background - you will have to teach me how to do that! And thanks for hosting!

  2. Sounds like a wonderful brunch! Yeah for girlfriends!

  3. Everything looks so good. I'm so sad I missed it.

  4. Aww, looks so fun! I wish I lived nearby so I could play too :)
