Friday, March 6, 2009

Happy Blog-iversary!!

I cannot believe that it's been a year since I started this little thing. I really half expected it to be a blog that I posted in for about a month and would then let fall to the wayside.

But I am not only proud of my dedication, but very proud of how far I've come, both in the kitchen and behind the camera. I am by no means relatively skilled in either area, but I think I've made some progress!

To date, 464 people subscribe to this blog through Google Reader! That is beyond baffling to me, especially when there are so many blogs that are waaaaay better.

This little project of mine has grown into more than just a hobby; it's like another child. I have fallen in love with selecting creations to post and then wrangling with them to get cool pictures.

Happy Birthday, little blog - and many more!

PS - Not only is today the first birthday of my blog, but it is also the 10th anniversary of my first date with my husband. WOW!!


  1. happy blogiversary and happy 10th anniversary of your first date with your husband! : )

  2. I'm one of your 464. I almost never comment, but enjoy reading and seeing what will be practical to make with my little one when the time comes. Happy blogiversary!

  3. Congrats on your blogiversary, and the 10 year mark! Our 10 year dating anniversary is next week too - too funny! Did you do anything fun to celebrate?

  4. Happy dating anniversary and blogiversary! I'm a LONG ways off from a 10 year dating mark... I think next month is 5 years dating.

  5. I wanted to delurk and say congrats on both anniversaries! i am one of the 464 that read through google reader and love your blog! Thanks for all of the recipes.

  6. Happy Birthday! I subscribe to this blog and I just wanted to let you know that I love seeing all your pictures of food. I knew I would be a regular reader after I made the chocolate chip cookie dough dip...divine!
