Sunday, August 9, 2009


I cannot thank you enough for voting for my little cooking blog. Your votes paid off, because Lauren's Kitchen was one of two blogs chosen for HighLowAha's Second Annual SuperBowl Snack Throw Down!

During football season, I'll be competing against Kate as we each create recipes centering around a pre-determined "secret ingredient."

As you all know from reading this blog, I am not one to just create a dish on a whim - I am definitely a follow-directions kind of girl. Therefore, I am thrilled (and kind of scared!) of the challenge that lies before me. I can't wait to step up my cooking and creativity!

On a side note, remember how I had blog issues a few months ago? I was able to get some of the issues resolved, but not all. The date on each post is still weird (even though I've tried to adjust the settings), the title isn't big or distinguishable (aside from the color), and the bottom of each post runs directly into the top of the next.

Now that my blog is going to be featured for such a cool event, I really want to get these minor problems fixed. Any ideas or suggestions?

Thanks again for your votes! I'm sure I'll be soliciting more votes each week as I create game food. :)