Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I'm Excellent!

In the last few days, several people have tagged me with this "Excellent" award. I am absolutely astounded that so many people read my dinky little blog, and that so many people actually ENJOY it! It really makes my day. I know it sounds corny, but it's true.

Part of the "strings" attached to such an award is to pass it along. While I would love to spread the joy, the majority of the blogs I'd award have already received it. Instead, I thought I'd spread a little love to the awesome ladies who gave it to ME.

The Milkman's Wife Her recipes look so comforting and delicious... and she has a photo of the famous Pumpkin Spice Hershey Kiss. That alone should make her win a TON of awards! ;)

Daily Deliciousness Shawna's blog is so fabulous - I have a ton of her things starred in my reader. She's getting married in a couple of months, and I think that is one lucky dude. Check out the post with her shower pictures - how FUN!!

Delicious Meliscious Look at those AMAZING cakes. Though I never had the desire before, her cakes make me really want to take a Wilton class - especially that garden one. WOW! And I am SO making that pumpkin mousse soon...
Jenn and Food, Perfect Together Not only do I get excited when she posts new dishes, but I'm thrilled that I'll finally be meeting her for dinner in a few weeks! Several of us Central-Jerseyians on our cooking board have a dinner planned, and I can't wait.

Thank you, ladies - not even for the award (although that was awesome, hee hee!) but for YOUR blogs and their impact on my kitchen!